About Us

Discovering the Essence of Classerly

Roger Batchelor, Founder

Our Story

At the crossroads of passion for education and the digital age, Classerly was birthed. Created by Roger Batchelor, a visionary dedicated to reshaping the educational landscape, Classerly’s core mission stems from Roger’s commitment to making education more accessible, engaging, and simplified. Recognizing the challenges faced by modern students, Roger envisioned a platform that seamlessly blends academic rigor with the fun of interactive learning. In alignment with this vision, Classerly is also deeply committed to sharing free educational resources from all corners of the globe, ensuring a rich tapestry of knowledge for all.

Our Vision

To democratize education, providing every learner with comprehensive and quality resources, irrespective of their geographical confines, financial backgrounds, or educational prerequisites. We firmly believe in the power of shared knowledge and actively source and distribute free educational content from various platforms and educators. ​

What We Do

At Classerly, We proudly Offer!

Comprehensive tools ranging from succinct chapter summaries to extensive slides, crafted to empower students with crystal-clear understanding.
Study Guides
Our dynamic, game-based quizzes not only enhance learning but also test and reinforce knowledge in an interactive manner.
Kahoot Quizzes
Our academic coverage spans a wide spectrum, from Accounting and Business Law to intricate areas like Organizational Behaviour and Canadian Politics.
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Diverse Subjects
Beyond our in-house content, we are avid curators of quality educational resources from around the world, freely sharing these treasures with our community.
Resource Sharing

Specialized Services

Beyond our free resources, Classerly holds a strong specialization in instructional design and curriculum development. For years, we’ve been at the forefront of curricula development across various platforms:

⦁ Moodle: 8 years of expertise
⦁ Canvas: 2 years of expertise
 D2L: 1 year of proficiency
⦁ Schoology: 1 year of experience
With a team of dedicated experts, we provide contractual services to educational institutions and organizations aiming to refine or develop their curricula. Our tailored solutions ensure that learning objectives are met with precision, creativity, and efficiency.

need help, contact us, idea-2939262.jpg

Why Classerly?

Unwavering Quality

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Spearheaded by experts, our resources emphasize accuracy, contemporary relevance, and depth

Universal Access

uni access

Rooted in our belief that education is an inherent right, all our core resources are offered free of cost.

User-Focused Design


With the learner at its heart, Classerly’s interface ensures a smooth and intuitive educational journey.


Global Resource Pool


Emphasizing our commitment to shared knowledge, we continuously expand our database with free resources sourced from global educators and platforms.

The Pillars of Classerly

Behind the screen, leading Classerly is the dynamic team with Roger Batchelor guiding the helm. This team, comprising educators, tech aficionados, designers, and content curators, each brings their wealth of expertise, ensuring Classerly remains a paradigm in online education.

Be Part of Our Odyssey

Classerly is not just a platform; it’s a transformative educational movement. We invite all learners, educators, and those with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge to join us in this revolution. Together, we will redefine the contours of education.

For inquiries, feedback, or collaborations, connect with us at [email protected]

Thank you for venturing into Classerly – where the world of learning knows no bounds.