
Navigating the World of Free Educational Resources


At Classerly, we recognize the power of shared knowledge. Beyond the content we create, we are ardent curators of top-quality educational resources from around the world. Our commitment is to democratize education by making these resources easily accessible to learners everywhere. This Resources page serves as your gateway to a treasure trove of educational content, carefully curated and categorized for ease of navigation.

How to Use This Page


We've organized resources into specific academic and interest categories. Simply click on a category to explore the resources within.


Use the search bar if you have a specific topic in mind.


We've included a user rating system. Before diving into a resource, see what other learners have said!

Resource Categories


Dive into the intricacies of financial statements, bookkeeping, and more.

Business Law

Understand the legal framework that governs the business world.


Explore the human mind, behaviors, and the science of thought.

Business Ethics

Delve into moral dilemmas and ethical considerations in the business realm.

Organizational Behaviour

Understand workplace dynamics, team interactions, and leadership nuances.

Canadian Politics

Get insights into the political landscape of Canada.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Discover methods and techniques to resolve conflicts without litigation. ... and many more!

Featured Resources of the Month

Each month, we highlight a few resources that have gained popularity or are particularly noteworthy. Check them out!

Psychology Basics


An interactive course designed for beginners.

Canadian Political Landscape


A deep dive into the historical and contemporary scenario of Canadian politics.

Suggest a Resource

We believe in community-driven content. If you come across a stellar educational resource that’s free and valuable, let us know! Use the “Suggest a Resource” button and fill in the details. Our team will review and, if suitable, add it to our collection.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Over the years, we’ve forged partnerships with various educational platforms and creators, allowing us to expand our resource pool. If you’re interested in collaborating with Classerly or having your resources featured, please get in touch.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Your feedback is our compass. If you have suggestions, feedback, or spot an issue with any of the resources, please drop us a message. Continuous improvement is a core tenet of Classerly, and your insights help us serve you better.

For inquiries or suggestions related to our resources, connect with us at [email protected].

Explore, learn, and thrive with Classerly’s curated resources – where knowledge knows no bounds!